Our Classroom

Welcome, Parents & Students!

My name is Jessica Wright and I will be your fourth grade teacher! I am so excited to start our fourth year here at Elsa England Elementary.

A little bit about me...
This is my seventh year teaching fourth grade - the best grade ever! Before I came to Elsa England, I helped open up River Ridge Elementary and Meridian World School. My mom would tell you that I always knew I wanted to be a teacher, but I distinctly remember wanting to be a Spice Girl or a geologist! When I took my first education class at Texas State, I knew I had found the right place for me. I graduated in 2009 and immediately began working on my master's degree with the Teacher Fellows Program, while simultaneously beginning my first year of teaching. I love my job and look forward to coming to work everyday!

We learn so much in fourth grade. This year, we will hone our writing skills, become historians, satisfy our curiosities in the science lab, read voraciously, dominate division, and expand our vocabularies. Whew - that's a lot!

I know a strong parent-teacher relationship is the foundation for a successful school year. You can check out our class web site, which I update weekly. I post pictures, helpful links, and a broad overview of the upcoming semester. Also, if you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at jessica_wright@roundrockisd.org. I check my email regularly and honestly enjoy hearing from you!

We are a Next Generation Digital Classroom.
Visit the RRISD website for more information on how that will impact our learning!