It's our first full week back. The kiddos did a WONDEFUL job of getting back into our routine last week. I'm sure you heard about some change-ups in our classroom. You can read this article for more information on flexible seating in the classroom. We also started our blogs last week! We haven't posted anything yet, but the kiddos have been working hard on making them look nice. Ask your kiddo if you can check it out!
We are continuing to read traditional literature. This week, we will focus on theme and ways we can use text evidence to support our thinking. Today, we read the story of King Midas. The kiddos had a lot of great suggestions about theme siting the text for evidence.
Since we will not have school on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we are spending our morning reflecting on some of his more popular quotes. Students will then pick one of their entries to edit/revise and publish on Friday. It's a nice way to really think about how we can impact the world while practicing expressing our feelings through writing. We are also going to spend some time focused on using commas correctly in our sentences. Please make sure you practice with your kiddos at home. There are so many reasons why you may need a comma and it can be confusing for kiddos! I will send home graded expository pieces on Thursday. I am so impressed with all the awesome writing they turned in on Friday!
We are going to start our unit on fractions. We will spend a couple of days reviewing basic fraction concepts before we move forward. Students will need to be able to compare fractions and decompose them. You can find lots of practice on our website!
It's the last week of our mixtures and solutions unit. This one was a short one! Students need to be able to differentiate between a mixture and a solution. They also need to be able to use their vocabulary words correctly. Please make sure you are practicing at home.
Social Studies
We are going to wrap up European explorers in Texas. We also hope to come up with some ideas for our PBL. Students will get to pick how they want to make a positive change for those who are hungry in our community. This would be a great conversation topic for the dinner table.
Homework will be sent home tomorrow!
Fourth Grade 411
- No School 1/18
- Ms. Wright @ a technology training on 1/20
- Science Night 1/21
- PDQ Spirit Night 1/21