Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Weekly Update 1/19-22

Good Morning!

I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend. I know I enjoyed this lovely cool front!

Please don't forget about Science Night this Thursday. It's going to be a lot of fun for parents and kiddos! We will have animals, a 3D printer, a solar car, experiments for the kiddos, and an opportunity to go star gazing, using telescopes from the Austin Astronomical Society. It's going to be a GREAT time! 

Here is a look at out week:

We are going to wrap up our unit on traditional literature. I've seen a lot of kiddos checking out myths and fairy tales from the library. I love when the kiddos really connect with our units of study. We will continue to focus heavily on determining theme in fiction. This is an important skill students tend to struggle with. You can practice at home by discussing themes of the books you are reading as a family!

We did not get a chance to finish up discussing comma usage in our writing. We are going to continue working on comma usage and do a quick review of editing strategies for our own writing. I hope you enjoyed reading the writing samples that went home last week. I am so proud of how the kiddos have grown as writers.

We have an awesome week of fractions scheduled. We will combine with Mrs. Green and Mrs. Talley's classes to practice comparing fractions and determining if our answers are reasonable. Kiddos will have the opportunity to put their education in their hands by creating their own schedule for the week. They will pick from a list of mini lessons, independent practice, guided practice, review options, and challenge opportunities. They will get to tailor the education to what best fits their needs. This requires a lot of reflection and self assessment. I am so proud of how independent they have become!

We are going to spend some time determining the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources. We will even have a lesson run by one of our very own students. I can't wait to see all the connections they will make!

Social Studies
Our PBL is off to a great start! The Souper Bowl of Caring kicks off on Tuesday. Be sure to talk to your kiddo about how we plan to use this opportunity to combat hunger in our community. We will spend some time splitting up into groups and putting the Hunger Heroes to work! Stay tuned for more information!

Fourth Grade 411
- 1/20: Ms. Wright is absent
- 1/21: Science Night & PDQ Spirit Night
- 1/22: Homework is due
- 1/22: Vocabulary assessment